Meg, nice article. The realization that the Presidency is an office, not a person, is true, liberating, and as you identified, obligates us to do the work of our country. Leadership occurs all the time right around us, one small community at a time. It does not make it into any cable news station-not one.
Rather accidentally I found the perfect antidote to 24-hr news hysteria was being pulled into writing a small scale agricultural Bill for my State House of Representatives. This effort was 100% non-partisan, community minded, forward thinking, and academically interesting. It doesn't matter for this response what it entailed, just that the process was fabulous. the end we failed.
The act and engagement of seeking to solve or mitigate a problem is an experience that every single American should be required to attempt. Just one such effort will change the way you think of yourself, your community, and certainly the way you hear the news. Your Office Awaits....