You are right Ryan, a great 101 this is. For anyone who feels this is a toothless armchair peasantry , I offer the following material.
My first 5 minutes in my current position coincided with a full-blown staff mutiny. This particular staff represented a sub-division of my new realm and they were collectively red eyed angry for reasons that were well known and real for them. To me this was new news. The document I've pasted below is the end result of our confrontation in the chef's office. They numbered 10 to 14, I was by myself. My response to their anger was to assure them that I was there to create a working culture based on Guest First Excellence with Dignity and Respect. This phrase and commitment was unplanned and unrehearsed. Now, seven years later it has become what you see below. Enjoy.
Glacier National Park Lodges
Food & Beverage Leadership
Ten Commandments 2022
Guest First Excellence with Dignity & Respect
1. Be… Where You Need To Be
2. Work Your Circle, Work it Again
3. Your Command Post is the Dining Room or Kitchen Line- Be There
4. Know Every Job in Your Realm
5. Respect and Dignify Every Staff Member in Every Department
6. First Boots In…Last Boots Out
7. “Own” Your Location, Use Your Tools
8. Calculate Your Dashboard by the hour-Dollar, Labor, Costs, People
9. Be the Visible Example of All Xanterra Values
10. Be your Best Authentic Self
Food & Beverage Focus and Philosophy
1. Most Important Meal of the Day? The one we are serving now.
2. Create Your Culture with a Bias toward Action
3. Live the Phrase: Guest First Excellence with Dignity & Respect
4. Plan for Success: “I think we will be fine”, is a recipe for failure
5. Lead Your People: They are your only true resource
6. Grow Your Own Solutions: Anticipate and strategize for problems, small and large
7. Be Accountable: Integrity is the only currency of Trust
8. Know Your Staff: Be approachable and open, everyone can be excellent. No one, especially you, is flawless.